We offer a range of services to employers, helping to make pension schemes easy and straight forward.

We operate professionally...with a refreshingly different, innovative, high energy emphasis.
We are a pensions engagement and communications consultancy, specialising in providing clear and easy to understand guidance and information.
We have extensive experience in delivering education sessions on mid career, pre-retirement and pensions taxation. We work with some of the most well known organisations in the UK.
Free webinars
Online seminars, delivered free of charge to groups of up to 500 people depending on the topic
We provide a range of free of charge webinars shown on our Public Webinars page.
You can also chat about these on our Facebook group.
McCloud webinars for members
Online seminars for scheme members affected by the McCloud (Public Sector Pension) Remedy
We are talking to a number of organisations about providing webinars for their members to help them explain the implications of the McCloud judgment and the public sector pensions remedy. These will typically be online 60 minute webinars, covering issues for those:
- Approaching retirement or already retired;
- Considering a contingent decision ‘challenge’
- With pensions tax complications

Pensions Tax Support
Detailed calculations to help with tax planning, legal cases, retirement planning and the implications of McCloud
We have a robust calculation modeller to provide detailed calculations for NHS Pension Scheme, Civil Service Pension Scheme and most other public sector schemes. This is a calculation support service for individuals. It allows for a written report and a video discussion. It does not constitute financial advice.

Pre-retirement and mid-career planning webinars
Online seminars delivered to groups of between 10-20 people
Bespoke content. Topics typically covered include preparing for your 25-year holiday, social and psychological considerations, pensions planning, consumer finance and state benefits.
A case study summarising how we helped a client recently in this area is shown here.

Pensions tax planning sessions
Online seminars delivered in groups of up to 10 people, or individual, one to one sessions.
Targeted at those people impacted, or likely to be impacted, by the Annual or Lifetime Allowances. Individual follow up sessions include a written calculation. We have delivered sessions like this for a number of civil service employers and NHS trusts.
A case study summarising how we helped a client recently in this area is shown here.

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Please get in touch if you would like to know more about any of our Employer services: