Just before Christmas we delivered pensions tax education sessions via webinar to groups of people from one of the UK’s leading teaching hospital trusts. There were typically 15 people in each webinar, each of whom had been invited by their employer, the Trust.
The objectives of each session were to;
- Help attendees better understand HMRC rules around pension savings and tax;
- Illustrate how the rules interact with the NHS Pension Scheme, and
- Identify actions individuals needed to take.
We concluded each session with a seven-point action plan for everyone to take away with them.
The real test of how successful these sessions are is in whether people take action as a result. We know that several have or are in the process of doing so. We also like to think that they are fun (yes, really!) We enjoyed them and so it seems did the delegates:
“Laura was great, really great. Thank you for that. What a tangled web pension tax is … thank heavens for people like you and Laura.”
NHS delegate, December 2020